Endless Potential


Improving the quality of runoff into our waterways, decreasing erosion, and increasing carbon sequestration.


Birds, bees and other critters are critical to our health and the health of our land.


Beauty and nature are the most accessible and affordable ways to improve mental health, especially right outside the door.

About us

I’m just an individual homeowner bucking the system. Yes, I own a lawnmower. I even have a riding mower and two push mowers, which we use for mowing the edges, the right-of-way, and trails throughout the wildflowers and grasses.

In the first year of “letting it go” and seeing what grew in, I catalogued more than 50 species of native plants, and countless beneficial insects. Read more about the transformation on our pages.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk or give a little tour.